We will miss lots about Ecuador....the amazing views, the volcanoes, the abundance of fruit, the hummingbirds everywhere not to mention the hundreds of stray dogs, men peeing everywhere, bumpy roads, people selling everything you can imagine on the streets, the 3 course meals for $2.50, the football commentators shouting GGGOOOOOOOAAAALLLL for over 30 seconds, the crazy, impatient drivers but most of all we will remember the people.
It was sad saying goodbye to all the good friends we made in Ecuador over the two years we were there. Time has just flown by and we can't believe the two years is up.
We have accumulated lots after our time in Ecuador and ended up having to ship 20 boxes back to the UK! Tom did mention that the only thing that he had bought since being in Ecuador is one shirt but hey! Below is a picture of Harper helping with the packing!

We said some teary goodbyes to the children in our class. We took the children to see Toy Story 3 in 3D as a treat at the end of the year. It was great and we all enjoyed it. It was in Spanish but we understood the whole thing, showing that we have picked up lots over the 2 years.

We had a meal with the lovely family who looked after our property: Luis, Beatrice, Andrés and Bridget. I took some pictures of the family as a gift. They were lovely and we will miss them lots. After the meal, Mark, Evelyn, Tom and I headed to 'La Cancha' to see what was happening. It is the hub of the area and is always heaving. Football matches are being played at midnight at weekends. When we are coming home after a night out, teams are still playing, they are mad!

We ended our time with a lovely bbq with our good friends, Mark, Ewan and Miranda. It typically ended with drinks, pool and music. Good times...... We will miss them lots.....