Sunday 10 August 2008

Quito, our new home!

We arrived in Quito after a long long flight. We were met at the airport by a colleague from work and taken to a hotel in Quito near to La Parc Carolina. We spent the first few days walking around the city and getting to know our way around. We spent some time looking at flats and saw a total of 9. None of them were what we expected as they were all modern apartments not dissimilar to our place back in London. Anyway after a while we decided on a flat that was between Quito and Cumbaya.

One of our first nights out in Quito was really bizarre. We were invited to a friend of Sadie's Korean wedding! It was all very unusual. Whist the couple were saying their vows, everybody was chatting and after the buffet meal people starting taking the table decorations and leaving...we were one of the last to leave.

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